Children's Behavioral Health
2821 Island Avenue, Philadelphia, PA 19153

Children’s Behavioral Health Outpatient Program
The Children’s Outpatient program serves children aged five to 18. Children receive individual and group therapy at the level of care most appropriate to meet their needs. Family therapy is also provided, as needed. Enhanced services for children include: a summer treatment program, ‘Students are Nurtured to Achieve and make Progress’ (SNAP); Parents Engagement Program (PEP); and specialty groups including Anger Management, Bullying Prevention, Girls Empowerment, Boys Empowerment, Mentoring and Sexuality Acceptance. Call 267-233-5391 for additional information.
Children’s Behavioral Health Outpatient Program
2821 Island Avenue, Philadelphia, PA 19153
Intake line: 267-233-5391
Days and hours of operation:
Mon – Fri 8:00 am – 7:00 pm

Family Based Program
The Family Based program combines treatment and case management services geared toward children up to age 21 who are at risk for out-of-home placement due to a severe emotional and/or behavioral disorder or severe mental illness. Family Based uses Eco-Systemic Structural Family Therapy (ESFT), an evidence-based practice that focuses on the entire family, not just the identified child.
Crisis intervention and behavioral stabilization services are provided by a two-person team and are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
Call 215-748-7100 for additional information.
Family Based Program 137 South 58th Street, Philadelphia, PA 19153
Days and hours of operation:
Mon – Fri 8:00 am – 4:30 pm

The Children’s Blended Case Management Unit
The Children’s Blended Case Management Unit provides assistance for children 6 to 17 years of age (21 years if still enrolled in school) with a behavioral or mental health diagnosis, or intellectual disability in the community or residential treatment facility setting with low, moderate, and severe needs. All referrals are made and approved through the Philadelphia Behavioral Health System but anyone from the case management program can assist with the referral process. The program’s goals are to connect children to services and resources which will help with their recovery and improvement, collaborate with service providers to monitor consumer participation and satisfaction, help coordinate existing services, and to advocate and provide additional support for the child. Services include 24 hour-a-day, 7 day-a-week crisis response. To contact our program call 215-220-6218.
Children’s Blended Case Management
137 South 58th Street, Philadelphia, PA 19153
Intake line: 215-220-6218

Functional Family Therapy
Functional Family Therapy (FFT) is a strength-based model built on a foundation of acceptance and respect. FFT is a short-term, high-quality intervention program with an average of 12 to 14 sessions over three to five months. FFT works primarily with 11 to 18-year-old youth who have been referred for behavioral or emotional problems by the juvenile justice, mental health, school or child welfare systems. One primary goal of the FFT program is to reduce the recidivism rate among youth through evidence-based practices. Services are conducted in the home settings but not limited to schools, child welfare facilities, probation offices/aftercare systems and mental health facilities. FFT at its core is a focus on assessment and intervention to address risk and protective factors both within and outside of the family that impacts the adolescent and his or her adaptive development. Call 267-233-5866 for additional information.
Functional Family Therapy (FFT)
137 South 58th Street, Philadelphia, PA 19153
Intake line: 267-233-5866
Days and hours of operation:
Mon – Fri 8:00 am – 5:00 pm

The Link
The Consortium’s LINKS program is a Peer Leadership Program that creates links to support children, youth and families in using their collective voice to be advocates for social, emotional and environmental change. LINKS has three components; Parent Empowerment Program (PEP), Peer Leadership Program, and a school-based program. LINKS provides a variety of therapeutic interventions focused on prevention, from at-risk services to intensive treatment options for all students and families.
To contact our program, call 267-233 5391