Adult Behavioral Health

Adult Outpatient Clinic (Hope Counseling Center)
The Adult Outpatient program located at 5501 Chestnut Street provides assessment and treatment services to individuals aged 18 and older with behavioral health concerns. Our therapists are trained to use evidence-based practices like Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and Prolonged Exposure Therapy to help individuals with short-term, acute, or persistent behavioral health challenges pursue their life goals while living in the community with the highest level of functioning and well-being possible.
If you are feeling sad, depressed, angry or anxious, we can help. Same or next day appointments for intake are available by calling 215-748-8400.
Adult Outpatient Clinic (Hope Counseling Center)
5501 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, PA 19139
Intake lines: 267-354-2785, 267-354-2804, 267-354-2805 or 267-233-5532
Days and Hours of operation:
Mon – Fri (8:00 am – 8:00 pm)
Saturday (9:00 am – 3:00 pm)

Adult Blended Case Management
Adult Blended Case Management serves individuals aged 18 and older with serious and persistent mental health and co-occurring conditions who live in the community. Services are provided 24-hours a day, 7 days a week. Case managers assist individuals obtain supports that help reduce hospitalization so that they can continue to live in the community in the least restrictive setting possible. Our case managers help individuals with their housing, day program, appointment scheduling and other daily living needs. Call 215-748-8400 for eligibility and referral information.
Adult Blended Case Management
5501 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, PA 19139
Days and Hours of operation:
Mon – Fri (9:00 am – 5:00 pm)

Community Integrated Recovery Center
(Seeds of Hope)
Seeds of Hope is a non-residential, dually licensed Community Integrated Recovery Center (CIRC) for adults 18 years or older. The program offers both on-site and community-based Psychiatric Rehabilitation and Outpatient treatment services. Services are determined by participants and are highly individualized based on Wellness and the four pillars of recovery: Peer Support/Leadership, Recovery Planning, and Family Inclusion & Community Integration. The program assists individuals with psychiatric stability, social competencies, personal adjustment and/or independent living competencies for success and satisfaction in the environments of choice. It emphasizes psychosocial rehabilitation values and principles inclusive of individual strengths, wellness, empowerment, equal partnering and hope. The program is designed to support a diverse population and emphasizes strength-based values of individuals to support their involvement, choice, personal responsibility and independence.
Call 215-748-8400 for additional information. Same or next day access for intake available.
Community Integrated Recovery Center (Seeds of Hope)
5501 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, PA 19139 Intake lines: 267-354-2785 or 267-354-2804
Days and Hours of operation:
Mon – Fri (8:00 am – 3:00 pm)
Saturday (9:00 am – 3:00 pm)

Supported Employment (The Greenhouse)
The Greenhouse Supported Employment program provides employment support services to Philadelphia residents who have behavioral health diagnoses. Services include help with resume writing and job interview skills, identifying job leads, using the internet for job searches, and support once a person starts a job. Job clubs are offered where members can gain peer support, share concerns about working, and share prospective job leads. Basic computer skills training is offered to facilitate effective online job search, online application completion and email communication.
The Greenhouse Supported Employment program utilizes Evidence Based Practice principles, which has been shown through research to be the most successful approach to help individuals with behavioral health challenges find and keep employment. Supported Employment is an approach to vocational rehabilitation for individuals with behavioral health challenges that emphasizes the values of competitive employment, and competitive wages. Members are offered help finding and keeping jobs that capitalize on their personal strengths and motivations.
Employment supports are also offered to individuals with substance use concerns. Call 267-354-2814 or 267-354-2815 for additional information.
Supported Employment (The Greenhouse)
5501 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, PA 19139
Days and Hours of operation:
Mon – Fri (9:00 am – 4:00 pm)
Saturday (9:00 am – 4:00 pm)

Continuity of Care
This service provides individuals discharged from psychiatric hospitals and their families, with assistance and support accessing the large number of community services available to them. Significant aspects of the work include consulting with in-patient staff and assisting with discharge planning. Heavy emphasis is placed on linking discharged consumers into needed Consortium programs and other programs of their choice. Call 215-748-8400 for additional information.
Continuity of Care
5501 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, PA 19139
Days and Hours of operation:
Mon – Fri (10:00 pm – 6:00 pm)

CARE - Community Advocates Response and Engagement Team
Mobil Crisis Unit
The Mobile Crisis Unit is designed to handle psychiatric emergencies for individuals 18 years and older and for businesses located in West and Southwest Philadelphia area. Services include but are not limited to: on-site evaluations, arranging voluntary and involuntary hospitalization, and crisis intervention. Referrals come from Mercy Crisis Response Center, any individual, family member, community member, and through Philadelphia Department of Behavioral Health. Call 267-233-5259 for additional information.
Mobile Crisis
5501 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, PA 19139
Days and Hours of operation:
Monday through Friday, 7 am-11 pm.
Outside of Hours of operation (Nights & Weekends) call: Office of Mental Health: 215-685-6440 or
Mercy Hospital: 215-748-9525