Supports Coordination
2821 Island Avenue, Philadelphia, PA 19153
Supports Coordination provides assistance with locating, coordinating and monitoring of services and supports for individuals with intellectual and or developmental disabilities.
Supports Coordinators help individuals access supports and services that enhance their lives and assist in their personal goals for independence. These areas include but are not limited to: medical, educational, behavioral health, vocational, living arrangements, and community recreational resources. Supports vary in intensity based on the needs of the individual being served. In addition, funds are available through the Family Driven Support Services (FDSS) program to assist families with small but needed expenditures for their family members with a disability. The emphasis of the Supports Coordination Organization (SCO) is to assist people in attaining their identified goals through Individualized Support Plans (ISPs) and to help them become fully integrated in their communities. A Supports Coordinator helps people to participate more actively in their communities through a person-centered plan that identifies a person’s strengths, dreams, goals and desires.
To be eligible to receive services and supports in Pennsylvania, individuals must:
• Have an IQ score of 70 or below
• Have documentation that you had an eligible intellectual disability before the 22nd birthday
• Have significant limitations in at least three areas of daily living, including communication, self-care, home living, social/interpersonal skills, self-direction, academic skills, work, leisure, health and safety
• Be a legal resident of Pennsylvania
The Consortium Supports Coordination Organization serves individuals with intellectual disabilities or developmental disabilities in four counties: Chester, Delaware, Montgomery and Philadelphia. To determine eligibility residents must register with the Administrative Entity in their counties by calling:
• Chester: 610-344-6265
• Delaware: 610-713-2451
• Montgomery: 610-278-5666
• Philadelphia: 215-685-4677
Once you are registered to receive services you can then select Consortium as your Supports Coordination Provider. If you do not meet the eligibility requirements for services, the Registration Specialist will give you suggestions for appropriate community resources.
Supports Coordination
2821 Island Avenue, Philadelphia, PA 19153
Days and hours of operation:
Mon – Fri 8:30 am – 5:00 pm