Benefits and Importance of Vaccines - Testimonials

Even as a mental healthcare provider, I initially hesitated at the thought of getting the vaccine. After doing my own research and listening to the guidance of experts, including my doctors, I felt confident that doing so was the right choice. I trust the gifts that God has bestowed on the scientist and medical professionals. I knew I had precious reasons beyond my fear, discomfort, and uncertainty to consider. I decided to follow through with it to be a role model for my family and loved ones as they have a deep mistrust of western medicine,”. As I also serve in a senior leadership role that includes essential frontline workers, I believe that I had a responsibility to model the importance of doing my small part in contributing to a safe work environment. I wanted to help protect my family, co-workers, the consumers that we help support as well as myself.
In addition to my reasons for deciding to take the vaccine, it was not lost on me, that I was fortunate to be receiving the vaccine from an FQHC. Knowing the importance of time, I arrived a few minutes early to my vaccination appointment. From the security guard that first greets you to the registration desk, my experience was outstanding. Everyone was pleasant and intentional throughout the process.
I received the Moderna vaccine. I was asked if I felt sick, had a fever, or had any symptoms that can be associated with vaccine administration. I was also asked if I had tested positive for Covid-19 in the last two weeks, or if I was being monitored for the virus. All recipients of the vaccine are asked the same questions. I answered “no” to all, so I was able to receive my first dose. The injection was painless, absolutely painless, I wondered if I had actually received it.
After getting the first shot, I was given a vaccination card with the date for my second dose and the lot number of the vaccine. All recipients receive the same card, which gets updated when they get their second dose of the vaccine. I also received instructions for how to register my vaccination on the CDC vsafe website for check-ups and updates. Later in the day, I noticed that my arm was a bit sore at the injection site. That was the extend of my symptoms. I experienced soreness for two days following the injections.
Getting the second dose was much like getting the first, but after the second shot, I experienced most of the symtoms associated with the flu; fever, body aches, chills, and headache. By the next day, I felt better, all of my symptoms were lessening. My doctor explained that it is important to understand that expected side effects are normal. It signals that your body is building protections against the virus. I am proud of myself for pushing through my ambivalence, I truly believe I made the right decision to protect myself, my family, and the shared communities that I interface with daily.

As with everyone else, I was very concerned about the global pandemic called COVID-19. Our whole world flipped upside down, everything changed! The virus was spreading, people were dying, the president was saying one thing and The Chief Medical Advisor was saying another. The television news was saying one thing then another. My friend who knows a nurse at UPenn had another story, my nephew told me about this and that conspiracy, and the internet was all over the place!
Then two of my sisters caught the virus in separate situations. One sister had a tough time, and my other sister sailed through it! Then my elderly father caught the virus. He passed away within a week. COVID-19 is real, and it is nothing to be played with!
After a concerted effort by medical professionals who collaborated around the world, COVID-19 vaccines began to appear. Because of the dire situation around the world, the vaccines were pressed into the highest level of medical/scientific tests and scrutiny given the time. The vaccines were given preliminary approval for use.
It was decision time! While there was a lot of chatter, fear and conspiracies about the COVID-19 virus and now the vaccines, I had to focus on making the best decision for myself. It was clear that I could not trust anything our former President said. I was also challenged by those promoting fear by loosely connecting historical stories and science information they knew very little about, and grand conspiracies they believed but had no evidence to support. I decided to rely on the source most often trusted with my health care, my personal care physician.
Why would I over think the situation when I already entrust my personal care to a known professional? His recommendation was clear and definitive. He said I should not hesitate to get the COVID-19 vaccination. His professional assessment was the vaccine would be more of an asset than a detriment and getting the COVID-19 virus would be more detrimental to my overall health and wellbeing.
Bottomline, there are a lot of people with a lot of opinions, and then there are those who have educated opinions who you already entrust with your healthcare. As recommended by my personal care physician, I decided to get the vaccination. After getting the two Moderna vaccination shots I have no side effects.